深度忧郁的贝多芬和他如歌如泣的 Op. 130
文章来源: weston2008-05-18 19:03:13
Op.130属于贝多芬晚期的四重奏作品.他那时已经全聋了, 处于深度忧郁之时.
第五乐章(共六乐章)柔和的Cavatina(短小的咏叹调). His friend, violinist Karl Holz, wrote that Beethoven “composed the Cavatina of the quartet in B flat amid sorrow and tears; never did his music breathe so heartfelt and inspiration, and even the memory of this movement brought tears to his eyes.”
ZT: 这首短歌是对苦恼不能容忍的祈求,也是对快乐与和平的恳求,这是一首永不停歇的歌,一句连着一句,一下子就把听众抓住,在乐曲第43小节处,贝多芬标上了“沮丧”,此时小提琴停停歇歇地哭泣,心情十分沉重,最后终于得到了安慰,并在安慰声中远去。

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