文章来源: 卉樱果2011-04-21 12:55:32


A Couple of Circles 一对圆环

A couple                            夫妇
Is two circles.                     是两个圆环

When one                            当一个环
over laps the other,                与另一个重叠
Dead                                他们的爱
Their love;                         就会枯萎;

When one                            当一个环
Apart from the other,               脱离了另一个
Bye                                 他们的爱
Their love;                         已经不再

When two circles                    当两个圆环
Join together                       合在一起
In a certain area,                  在一定的范围里

Their love                             他们的爱
Is fresh beer                          如新鲜的啤酒
Always,                                总是
And the couple,                        留有空间的
With freedom                           夫妇
Connected forever.                     连接永久

A couple                               一对夫妇
is two circles connected,              是两个连在一起的环,
is two PERSONS.                        两个大写的个人。
