【A Short Conversation with a Woman】有感《相逢》诗

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                                          【A Short Conversation with a Woman】有感《相逢》诗



                                                                       By Tian Yu Zhi 


A woman without basic virtues, self-love, and backbone,

May well deserve to be dumped, again and again.

You think I will trust your words over his,

When you were just dumped permanently by him, and were desperate and upset?

In your dreams, perhaps. After all, you still have no clue how deep our bond is, aren't you?

Stupid people never learn. Slaps on the cheek three times still didn't help.

Don’t you dare to badmouth him with your calumny again, out of revenge.

I am sure his visit of you, if it indeed happened recently, was out of pity, but not love,

Trying to create some sort of harmony and minimize your hurt in this situation.

He is actually a very kind, sensitive man, in case you don’t know that. 

What a shame that you turned his kindness and sensitivity into weapons against him now!

On my second thought, if you meant he visited you a while ago, over the years

He did say that you came every year and competed for his attention

Knowing what you have known about us, you shouldn't have come to him —

If a man asked you to spread your legs, for his pleasure to see

You did that, what kind of woman did that make you?

A woman should know when to say no.

You were dumped, long time ago. That is all I care to know. 

Stop blaming him for your easy, cheap access, and your shady vices 

Don't even try to drive a wedge between him and me by using that. It is futile.

I trust him, and his love. Period.






