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?【熊猫油诗:能吃】身体比牛还壮牙好吃嘛嘛香坐拥一山竹子有粮心里不慌老鳞 2024-12-31 祝大家新年快乐,身体健康! 

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The best way to ensure that @CommunityNotes are as accurate 。。


  The best way to ensure that @CommunityNotes are as accurate as possible is to become a contributor.The system is completely decentralized and open source, both code and data. Any manipulation would show up li...

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Very wise words


  RONALD REAGAN: BUSINESS TAXES ARE A HIDDEN SALES TAX"When you and I were boys back in the Midwest, governments, federal, state, and local, were only taking about 15 cents out of every dollar earned.Today...

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It is increasingly likely that AI will superset the intelligence


  It is increasingly likely that AI will superset the intelligence of any single human by the end of 2025 and maybe all humans by 2027/2028.Probability that AI exceeds the intelligence of all humans combined by...

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  pic.twitter.com/Vnk4MCAofY— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) November 13, 2024

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数据:Manufacturing - Worldwide



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常言道:每逢佳节胖三斤。此言不虚。过节了总要做些好吃的,问题是很多好吃的食物是高糖或者高脂或者兼而有之。最要命的就是兼而有之,如果不是,请落花大夫斧正。 不过,我想到一个"聪明"的方法:对冲。有个段子说,现在的...

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Elon Musk:The reason I’m in America along with so many critical


 The reason I’m in America along with so many critical people who built SpaceX, Tesla and hundreds of other companies that made America strong is because of H1B.Take a big step back and FUCK YOURSELF in the fa...

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We named @Tesla after Nikola Tesla, one of the greatest engineer


 We named @Tesla after Nikola Tesla, one of the greatest engineers ever.He was a penniless immigrant whose inventions led to American dominance in electricity generation and usage.  We named @Tes...

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Elon Musk - CEO of Tesla Motors and SpaceX | Entrepreneurship


 Elon Musk - CEO of Tesla Motors and SpaceX | Entrepreneurship Apr 22, 2013  

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A truly reusable orbital heat shield has never been made, but 。。


  A truly reusable orbital heat shield has never been made, but I think SpaceX has a decent chance of solving it in 2025 and solving it well in 2026pic.twitter.com/mRBFOJtNVL— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) Decemb...

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【熊猫油诗:卡特总统】享年刚好百岁卡特总统上天中美建交留誉好人一生平安老鳞 2024-12-30

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xAI: warp speed cooling for our compute


  warp speed cooling for our compute pic.twitter.com/2m74zobdgV— xAI (@xai) December 29, 2024

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America rose to greatness over the past 150 years。。。


 America rose to greatness over the past 150 years, because it was a meritocracy more than anywhere else on Earth.I will fight to my last drop of blood to ensure that it remains that land of freedom and opportunity....

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Elon Musk: 关于h1b


 Easily fixed by raising the minimum salary significantly and adding a yearly cost for maintaining the H1B, making it materially more expensive to hire from overseas than domestically.I’ve been very clear that...

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丘成桐和Gerard't Hooft两位教授谈论欧几里得几何体系和逻辑,我不得不提醒有本质错误。 那些二、三流学者无法逆转熵趋势,所以救不了古罗马。Elon Musk如果连鼠脑、猫脑都模拟不了,也不知道为什么不能模拟,就不可能真正理解生命...

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特斯拉FSD进展:Real-world AI


  Real-world AI https://t.co/O34pbS5CsS— Tesla (@Tesla) December 26, 2024

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OpenAI| Why OpenAI’s Structure Must Evolve To Advance Our Missio


 Why OpenAI’s Structure Must Evolve To Advance Our Missionhttps://openai.com/index/why-our-structure-must-evolve-to-advance-our-mission/

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Elon Musk: Anyone – of any race, creed or nationality...


Anyone – of any race, creed or nationality – who came to America and worked like hell to contribute to this country will forever have my respect.America is the land of freedom and opportunity. Fight with ever...

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