The best way to ensure that @CommunityNotes are as accurate 。。
蓝调 2024-12-30 21:55:02
The best way to ensure that @CommunityNotes are as accurate as possible is to become a contributor.The system is completely decentralized and open source, both code and data. Any manipulation would show up li...
[ 阅读全文 ]“There are some core pillars, core values that have, I think, ma
蓝调 2024-12-31 22:52:45
Elon Musk: Meritocracy made America great. “There are some core pillars, core values that have, I think, made America great. One of them is being a meritocracy – as much of a meritocrac...
[ 阅读全文 ]Elon Musk母亲Maye Musk给中国朋友的新年问候及年度回顾
蓝调 2024-12-31 22:59:52
1. 新年问候 2. 年度回顾
[ 阅读全文 ]Elon Musk - CEO of Tesla Motors and SpaceX | Entrepreneurship
蓝调 2024-12-30 22:08:40
Elon Musk - CEO of Tesla Motors and SpaceX | Entrepreneurship Apr 22, 2013
[ 阅读全文 ]xiaxi 2024-12-31 08:07:02
回不去的是曾经,应该珍惜的是真情! 最近听了作家刘震云的一个演讲,想起我曾看过他的小说《一句顶一万句》(一部分是听书)。前几年回国时,一位作家朋友送了我这本《一句顶一万句》。我年轻时喜欢读书,现在读书很少,也不善于写书...
[ 阅读全文 ]