京燕花园 (热门博主)
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(2013-02-14 22:01:10) 下一个




♡ 心不移,爱永驻 ♡








后记:英文周记『An Eventful Week』为美语世界论坛作文

This past week has been an eventful week.

Sunday, Feb 10th, was Chinese Lunar New Year, sending away the big Dragon and welcoming the little one. I spent the whole day cooking, putting together a nice dinner for our family to enjoy.

Monday morning, I woke up to a message of shocking news from my friend Qing, "Our Pope Benedict is stepping down!" When I read the announcement in the Holy Father's own words, tears rolled down my face. I was saddened by the news but I also respected his decision. Like our Lord Jesus said, not my will, "Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. "

Tuesday, Feb 12th, was Fat Tuesday, also called Mardi Gras. Traditionally people used up all the fat in the household and had a carnival celebration. I was still quite sad, I did not feel like having any extravagant celebration. I wrote to a very spiritual Priest I trust, and he replied, "Do not be saddened by the resignation of our Pope, God is good and He will guide us."

Wednesday, Feb 13th, was Ash Wednesday. It marked the beginning of Lenten season 2013, the forty days ( not counting Sundays) leading up to Easter. I watched on EWTN (Eternal Word TV Network), our Pope Benedict's last public Mass service at St. Peter's Basilica. At times I was choked up. It was such a beautiful solemn High Mass. And I was deeply moved when the Holy Father crossed the Cardinals with ashes on their heads. The ashes came from burning last year's Palm Sunday branches, mixed with Holy Oil. It reminds us to repent. When the Mass ended, people were all tearing up. Everyone rose and applauded, our Pope smiled. He is so tender-hearted, loving and brave!

The fact that Chinese Spring Festival and Lent start almost on the same day gave people mixed feelings: to celebrate or to be serious? In fact, there are not conflicts: they are both times for renewal.

Thursday, Feb 14th, was St. Valentine's day. That morning sister Tern asked me if I was going to write something. I told her the week had been eventful and I did not know where to begin. That afternoon I drove by Sacred Heart Church. I planned to go in and pray for our Pope, as well as a long list of loved ones. I was disappointed when I saw that the door was locked. As I turned to leave, some beautiful red tulips in the front court caught my eyes. All too often, I was dashing around and not paying attention to little beauties around me. This time I stayed by the flowers and prayed the Rosary. All my worries melted away, I saw everyone I love in the Lord's Sacred heart. Over the years I have received many loving hearts, the biggest one is the Lord's Sacred Heart. It was so wonderful to pay tribute to His Heart 💗 on St. Valentine's day.

Friday I had a chance to go back to the Sacred Heart Church. Fortunately the door was open because a family was doing a wedding rehearsal. I went in briefly and prayed in front of the Pieta, a repilica of the famous one carved by the master Michelangelo, in St Peter's Basilica. When I looked at Mother Mary, I knew she would hold all of us dearly in her immaculate heart.

Today, Feb 16th, Saturday, ends the week with a light-hearted note. It is a nice warm day, my daughter had swim time trial. She swam so well and took time off on almost all of her events. Last year as a freshman in high school, she was moved up to swim in the varsity team. The coach recognized her efforts, and she received many awards. This evening my son's girlfriend came over for dinner. This is the first time that we met her, she is very sweet and we had a good time chatting. Even though I was fasting for Lent for the last couple of days, I still cooked a nice dinner tonight. I cooked a chicken artichoke casserole, garlic bread and a light salad, and the girl brought over a delicious peach cobbler made from her family recipe.

I look forward to the days to come, pray that peace and love will always surround us.



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京燕花园 回复 悄悄话 回复南山松的评论:
京燕花园 回复 悄悄话 回复游牧人123的评论:
南山松 回复 悄悄话 燕子姐,元宵节快乐!
游牧人123 回复 悄悄话 来看看你的园子,充满家的温暖哦,问好!
京燕花园 回复 悄悄话 回复江南白羊的评论:

江南白羊 回复 悄悄话 好美的郁金香,就象燕子一样美丽。也给燕子拜个晚年。祝燕子在新的一年里,快乐,健康,永远美丽。
京燕花园 回复 悄悄话 回复五哥和藤玉姐姐的评论:

tenyu 回复 悄悄话 燕儿俺来拿花了!
五弟五哥 回复 悄悄话 一个字“美”。
京燕花园 回复 悄悄话 回复bymyheart的评论:
亲爱的心姐,抱抱!燕子采摘这初春第一簇亮丽的花儿送给您,心一样的红,您为大河抱抱付出无尽的心血,向我们传递爱的真情。认识您是我的荣幸,新春祝福老乡姐姐平安,珍重!You are in my prayers♡
bymyheart 回复 悄悄话 美好,好美,燕子你生活和精神相辅相成,看见这些花就觉得应该属于你。
京燕花园 回复 悄悄话 回复~叶子~的评论:

Thanks sister Leaf, blessings, hugs ♡
~叶子~ 回复 悄悄话 爱无界限,穿越时空。

美燕儿度过了一个unforgettable event week. Big Hug~
京燕花园 回复 悄悄话 回复花自飘飘零的评论:

谢谢妹妹惦记,一周发生很多事,春节,教宗退位,狂欢节,圣灰周三,情人节。。。有欢喜,有泪水,在主爱里都化解了,感恩,祝福。小家的生活依旧,心里惦念着大家。Blessing, sis, grace-filled year♡
花自飘飘零 回复 悄悄话 好久不见了,燕子姐姐,抱抱:)



京燕花园 回复 悄悄话 回复tern2的评论:
亲爱的知音鹰妹,同喜同忧,you are in my prayers. 雪儿从小练游泳,水里泡大,风雨无阻,看似得来全不费功夫,其实她很努力,大宝热衷足球,不屈不挠,体育精神,受益匪浅。谢谢你的祝福,我一定传给他们。好像昨天我们自己还是那个年龄。

你的宝贝象美丽花儿绽放。新周愉快,blessings, love ♡
tern2 回复 悄悄话 过来补看你的周记。真是的eventful week。 抱抱我的小燕子!你乐我乐,你忧我忧,你安我才安。

恭喜雪儿,取得这么优异的成绩!大宝成大人了, 时间好快, 开心快乐,小伙子。:))
京燕花园 回复 悄悄话 回复御树林枫的评论:
亲爱的林枫妹妹,你家那里森林雪景,我看到的这些郁金香是今年第一组春花。送一丝春的暖意,无边的爱,you are in my prayers ♡
御树林枫 回复 悄悄话 郁金香都开了~~这碗精神热汤好受用~~
京燕花园 回复 悄悄话 回复安娜晴天的评论:

祈祷托住你们,也托住Papa Benedict, 送圣心堂前的郁金香,一丝丝的暖,送静谧的蓝湖,一丝丝的静...爱无界限,穿越时空,请圣母温柔地抱抱大小宝贝,平安的一周, 希望和爱在前方,在罗马等着你们。

是的,象你所说,dankbarkeit, thanksgiving, 感恩,数数充满圣宠的时刻,count the grace-filled moments, 继续用爱编织我们的生活,大宝雪儿安娜和所有的孩子们在爱里成长,希望的一代,主佑平安~~~
安娜晴天 回复 悄悄话 美丽的照片,美丽的文字。谢谢分享。
终于看到你常说的圣心堂,非常美丽, 还有就是阳光下的郁金香,你们那里日暖春光,我们这里还下着小雪,但是春天快来了。
你这篇文章让我看到, 内心的信仰和日常的生活,它们的关联,心在的地方就是爱。雪儿宝贝,真了不起,我们都为她骄傲。
我还好,一切都好,从心里就是Dankbarkeit,中文译为,感恩, 但是这个德语词从我的心里表达得更准确,Dankbarkeit。
京燕花园 回复 悄悄话 回复tern2的评论:

让美丽的花朵开放在我们心里。love, blessings ♡
tern2 回复 悄悄话 真是太美了!郁金香让燕儿拍的如此娇艳美丽迷人。。。
♡ 心不移,爱永驻 ♡
京燕花园 回复 悄悄话 回复南山松的评论:

南山松 回复 悄悄话 好美的郁金香!春意盎然。

京燕花园 回复 悄悄话 回复tenyu的评论:

爱无界限,穿越时空,最美好的祝福♡ , 也给大小顽童♡
京燕花园 回复 悄悄话 回复bluebabychen的评论:

tenyu 回复 悄悄话 燕儿都喜欢啊!太美了!情人节一定很快乐!祝福恩爱的一家人。
bluebabychen 回复 悄悄话 太漂亮了,愿爱洒满人间。。。情人节快乐!天天快乐!
京燕花园 回复 悄悄话 回复DUMARTINI的评论:

DUMARTINI 回复 悄悄话 花儿真美!

