当一个男人爱上一个女人 !
文章来源: mychina2020-03-09 06:05:55
When a man loves a woman
Can't keep his mind on nothin' else
He'd trade the world
For a good thing he's found
If she is bad, he can't see it
She can do no wrong
Turn his back on his best friend
If he puts her down
When a man loves a woman
Spend his very last dime
Trying to hold on to what he needs
He'd give up all his comforts
And sleep out in the rain
If she said that's the way
It ought to be
When a man loves a woman
I give you everything I've got (yeah)
Trying to hold on
To your precious love
Baby please don't treat me bad
When a man loves a woman
Deep down
“当一个男人爱上一个女人”, 这不是一个故事,这不是一首诗,这不是一篇散文,这也不仅仅是一首歌,这是一个传奇!

第一次听到这首歌的时候,是我刚到美国不久的时候,听一个叫做迈克尔不疼的长得像一只狐狸的人唱的,唱的那个好呀,让我感觉到了爱一个人的执着和力量,接着,就喜欢上了不疼先生还买了很多他的CD。但是,后来发现,这首《When a man loves a woman》的原唱并不是迈克尔不疼,而是一个叫做波斯司来杰的黑人小伙子1966年唱的。







谢谢你,Percy !

1966年以后,无数的人都吟唱过这首《 When a man loves a woman》, 但是,情真意切,谁也比不上 Percy,  就是我,我,我也不如他 !

I wish, I wish I was able to write such a great song, to you! 
