Pi Day(π日,派日)
文章来源: kylelong2012-03-13 20:24:27



π日(Pi Day314日,或者3-14)庆祝一个特殊的数字3.1415926……的一天。也许,还有人会特别留意当天上午或下午的π时,即314。一年一次哦!


    一些π日的流行歌曲,是由美国Windom Area High SchoolWindomMN)的一位数学老师写作的,其中一些是同事共同创作的。下面来听听这些歌曲吧!别忘了,听歌的时候,来一块苹果派(Pie)!



Happy Pi Day


Happy Pi day to you,

Happy Pi day to you,

Happy Pi day everybody,

Happy Pi day to you.


(to the tune of "Happy Birthday")



Oh Number PI


Oh, number Pi

Oh, number Pi

Your digits are unending,

Oh, number Pi

Oh, number Pi

No pattern are you sending.

You're three point one four one five nine,

And even more if we had time,

Oh, number Pi

Oh, number Pi

For circle lengths unbending.


Oh, number Pi

Oh, number Pi

You are a number very sweet,

Oh, number Pi

Oh, number Pi

Your uses are so very neat.

There's 2 Pi r and Pi r squared,

A half a circle and you're there,

Oh, number Pi

Oh, number Pi

We know that Pi's a tasty treat.


(to the tune of "Oh Christmas Tree")



Pi Day Song



Pi day songs

All day long.

Oh, what fun it is,

To sing a jolly pi day song

in a fun math class

like this. (Repeat )



Circles in the snow,

Around and round we go.

How far did we have to run?

Diameter times pi! (Refrain )







