文章来源: 京都静源2016-08-20 12:53:14


转译者,中文译外文、复由外文译成中文也。其间舛误甚多。如法人Jacques Gernet在其所著China and the ChriStian lm pacta Conflict of Cultrues中引《易传》中“精气为物,游魂为变”两语译作The appendix to the Book of Changes states it is the most subtle of nergies Which create beings and that errant souls one the causes of Change,而于硕、东方二人竟译作:“《易经》的附录指出创造生命的能力,是难以捉摸的而飘忽不定的灵魂是变化的原因。”如是差异,已非鲁鱼之变矣。陈乐民先生《难哉译事》中已叹其误。然西人亦犯若是之误也。《无妄》之名英人John Blofeld之I Ching:The Book of Change一书中译为The cnexpected,英人ChriStopher Market之I Ching :The No.l Success Formual一书中译为Innocent Scccess,皆误也。考其源则皆由英人James Legge始作俑,亦转译所误也。英人反误英人之论,岂非怪异!