文章来源: 无用游侠2022-02-27 20:54:33
Hello! Hello!
This is a little poem (not so little, lol) I made for Zhang Zhehan!
I hope you like it and forgive me for any loss in the translation (made from Portuguese) into English and Mandarim, and also any ambiguous meaning!
I so wanted to be polyglot!
Abraços e paz!
How to survive in a world in full chaos?
When you lose those eyes that looked at you with love
when you lose your fruits to the wind,
when you can't find the ground to leave,
when you don't see the colors of the day
and when you feel that even breathing hurts,
Yes, it's the specter of depression coming your way.
What's the way out of a dark, tattered,
smooth damp walls, can't I cling?
Fall...fall...fall... Oh, if I could I would have floated
The world is at a standstill, it's sick, but I'll try one thing:
My fingers on the computer keyboard, night and day and day and night:
novels: boring.. news: too difficult, movies: too many clichés, series... chinese series... interesting! Light!...Light...Light
The scene and finally show me the beautiful font:
the eyes of a young man saving a girl who falls off a mountain!
That's how the handsome actor captivated me!
It was my beginning to come out of the end.
Excavations... excavations... and he surprised me!
I cheered with the athlete, I got emotional with the songs,
I had fun with the scenes between recordings,
laughed at entertainment programs, thought he was strong!
I surrendered to dramas living and loving every role
admired and respected him as a person in interviews.
But his eyes healed my soul that was full of holes
The windows of your soul your gentle nature, in my vigils
With him I learned to come home too
With him I learned to love a country I didn't know
The mountains and rivers showed the world
The mountains and the rivers remind me of the blows
The mountains and rivers is great, hard work.
The arc of smoke in my glass reminds me of him
The sweet baby! Falls, sweats, crazy walks, reflection,
sweet smile shy and bright, dark streets, lots of water to swim in
losses... expensive perfumes, world conquest, pain and direction.
He and the tea leaves, to find excellence,
passed through the hardness of the earth and the attack of plagues,
by the heat of the sun and by the freshness of the waters of the river,
by the wavering wind of the mountains and the ice of the night
by the knives of men and by the metamorphosis of fire.
The fire that softens what was hard
The fire that hardens what was soft
The fire that makes everything blend together.
I like the smell and the taste and I appreciate everything
that the two of them, on the screens, and in my cup of tea,
I traveled to be part of my life.
Thank you! I will be waiting for your return, always.