文章来源: 盐津铺子2011-02-28 20:01:50
接珠珠回家路上,珠珠忽然用中文说了四个字,只听见“XX不在”,没听懂只好不耻下问,问了又问,珠珠又说了好几遍,老妈很羞愧地还是没听懂。央求她用英文讲或解释一下,她居然说不会英文,然后就急哭了。我等她哭了一会儿又鼓励她再说一遍,可惜还是不懂。她继续哭。我只好说It's ok to cry, 因为珠珠use the words,但是妈妈没听懂,一会儿见了爸爸再说一遍,我们一起听。见了爸爸,她果然又说了一遍,老公重复说:春天不在,就把她抱走了,我继续开车去车库,一路狂笑不止。我以为她是在感叹怎么天怎么又冷了,昨天还暖暖和和的,象春天。另外,珠珠和老公就春天这个话题也有精彩对话:When we came out of the building this morning, Valentina said "oh no! I don't have my gloves!" (They are in the pockets of her thick down jacket.) I said we don't need them because it's warm today, and she gleefully observed: "Look! The snow is melting! Flowers will come out! Spring is here! I love flowers! I love spring so that I can have icecream!"结果等我在浴室里换衣服时,珠珠进来了,忽然又说了一遍,原来是:喷泉不在。那当然啦,珠珠学校旁边的喷泉从深秋开始就不再喷水了。我又狂笑了一通。