ScottGu 2024-12-28 00:43:35
欧盟用计算机神经网络模拟鼠脑、猫脑、人脑的旗舰项目早就失败了。所以,计算机神经网络不是生物神经网络的科学模型,不是科学,更不是物理学。 刚得了诺贝尔“物理学”奖的AI教父Geoffrey Hinton说There's Up to 20% C...
[ 阅读全文 ]Elon Musk: Anyone – of any race, creed or nationality...
蓝调 2024-12-28 14:11:58
Anyone – of any race, creed or nationality – who came to America and worked like hell to contribute to this country will forever have my respect.America is the land of freedom and opportunity. Fight with ever...
[ 阅读全文 ]OpenAI| Why OpenAI’s Structure Must Evolve To Advance Our Missio
蓝调 2024-12-28 14:16:48
Why OpenAI’s Structure Must Evolve To Advance Our Mission
[ 阅读全文 ]We named @Tesla after Nikola Tesla, one of the greatest engineer
蓝调 2024-12-28 14:15:17
We named @Tesla after Nikola Tesla, one of the greatest engineers ever.He was a penniless immigrant whose inventions led to American dominance in electricity generation and usage. We named @Tes...
[ 阅读全文 ]Elon Musk:The reason I’m in America along with so many critical
蓝调 2024-12-28 14:18:55
The reason I’m in America along with so many critical people who built SpaceX, Tesla and hundreds of other companies that made America strong is because of H1B.Take a big step back and FUCK YOURSELF in the fa...
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