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第八十八章 I Return To India

  Our boat Rajputana docked on August 2,1935 in the huge harbor of Bombay。Friends had gathered at the dock with garlands and greetings;soon,at our suite in the Taj Mahal Hotel,there was a stream of reporters and photographers。

  Bombay was a city new to me;I found it energetically modern,with many innovations from the West。Very little time was given to sight-seeing,however;I was impatient,eager to see my beloved guru and other dear ones。Consigning the Ford to a baggage car,our party was soon speeding eastward by train toward Calcutta。

  Our arrival at Howrah Station found such an immense crowd assembled to greet us that for awhile we were unable to dismount from the train。The young Maharaja of Kasimbazar and my brother Bishnu headed the reception committee。

  Preceded by a line of automobiles and motorcycles,and amidst the joyous sound of drums and conch shells,Miss Bletch,Mr。Wright,and myself,fower-garlanded from head to foot,drove slowly to my fathers home。

  My aged parent embraced me as one returning from the dead。Brothers and sisters,uncles,aunts,and cousins,students and friends of years long past were grouped around me,not a dry eye among us。

  As for my meeting with Sri Yukteswar,words fail me。

  From America,Europe,and Palestine I had brought many presents for Sri Yukteswar。He received them smilingly,but without remark。For my own use,I had bought in Germany a combination umbrella-cane。In India I decided to give the cane to Master。

  “This gift I appreciate indeed!”My gurus eyes were turned on me with affectionate understanding as he made the unwonted comment。From all the presents,it was the cane that he singled out to display to visitors。

  “Master,please permit me to get a new carpet for the sitting room。”I had noticed that Sri Yukteswars tiger skin was placed over a torn rug。

  “Do so if it pleases you。”My gurus voice was not enthusiastic。“Behold,my tiger mat is nice and clean;I am monarch in my own little kingdom。Beyond it is the vastworld,interested only in externals。”

  As he uttered these words I felt the years roll back;once again I am a young disciple,purifed in the daily fres of chastisement!

  As soon as I could tear myself away from Serampore and Calcutta,I set out,with Mr。Wright,for Ranchi。What a welcome there,a veritable ovation!Tears stood in my eyes as I embraced the selfess teachers who had kept the banner of the school fying during my ffteen yearsabsence。The bright faces and happy smiles of the residential and day students were ample testimony to the worth of their many-sided school and yoga training。

  Yet,alas!the Ranchi institution was in dire financial difficulties。Sir Manindra Chandra Nundy,the old Maharaja whose Kasimbazar Palace had been converted into the central school building,and who had made many princely donations was now dead。Many free,benevolent features of the school were now seriously endangered for lack of suffcient public support。

  I had not spent years in America without learning some of its practical wisdom,its undaunted spirit before obstacles。For one week I remained in Ranchi,wrestling with critical problems。Then came interviews in Calcutta with prominent leaders and educators,a long talk with the young Maharaja of Kasimbazar,a fnancial appeal to my father,and lo!the shaky foundations of Ranchi began to be righted。Many donations including one huge check arrived in the nick of time from my American students。

  Within a few months after my arrival in India,I had the joy of seeing the Ranchi school legally incorporated。My lifelong dream of a permanently endowed yoga educational center stood fulflled。That vision had guided me in the humble beginnings in 1917 with a group of seven boys。

  In the decade since 193,Ranchi has enlarged its scope far beyond the boysschool。Widespread humanitarian activities are now carried on there in the Shyama Charan Lahiri Mahasaya Mission。

  The school,or Yogoda Sat-Sanga Brahmacharya Vidyalaya,conducts outdoor classes in grammar and high school subjects。The residential students and day scholars also receive vocational training of some kind。The boys themselves regulate most of their activities through autonomous committees。

  Sports and games are encouraged;the fields resound with hockey and football practice。Ranchi students often win the cup at competitive events。The boys are also taught asanas(postures),sword and lathi(stick)play,and jujitsu。

  Instruction in primary subjects is given in Hindi to the Kols,Santals,and Mundas,aboriginal tribes of the province。Classes for girls only have been organized in near-by villages。

  The unique feature at Ranchi is the initiation into Kriya Yoga。The boys daily practice their spiritual exercises,engage in Gita chanting,and are taught by precept and example the virtues of simplicity,self-sacrifce,honor,and truth。Evil is pointed out to them as being that which produces misery;good as those actions which result in true happiness。Evil may be compared to poisoned honey,tempting but laden with death。

  Ranchi lies 2000 feet above sea level;the climate is mild and equable。The twenty-fve acre site,by a large bathing pond,boys grow their own vegetables,and spin at their charkas。

  The Ranchi library contains numerous magazines,and about a thousand volumes in English and Bengali,donations from the West and the East。There is a collection of the scriptures of the world。A well-classifed museum displays archeological,geological,and anthropological exhibits。

  The charitable hospital and dispensary of the Lahiri Mahasaya Mission,with many outdoor branches in distant villages,have already ministered to 15,000 of Indias poor。The Ranchi students are trained in frst aid,and have given praiseworthy service to their province at tragic times of food or famine。

  In the orchard stands a Shiva temple,with a statue of the blessed master,Lahiri Mahasaya。Daily prayers and scripture classes are held in the garden under the mango bowers。

  Branch high schools,with the residential and yoga features of Ranchi,have been opened and are now fourishing。These are the Yogoda Sat-Sanga Vidyapith(School)for Boys,at Lakshmanpur in Bihar;and the Yogoda Sat-Sanga High School and hermitage at Ejmalichak in Midnapore。

  A stately Yogoda Math was dedicated in 1939 at Dakshineswar,directly on the Ganges。Only a few miles north of Calcutta,the new hermitage affords a haven of peace for city dwellers。The activities of the Yogoda Math include a fortnightly mailing of Self-Realization Fellowship teachings to students in various parts of India。

  My secretary,who has a vivid gift of description,hauled out his travel diary to record his adventures。One evening I asked him a question。

  “Dick,what is your impression of India?”

  “Peace,”he said thoughtfully。“The racial aura is peace。”



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