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笔名: 夏奈尔
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夏奈尔的留言薄 (最近5条留言)
-一枝丁香地- 留言于:2013-08-14 12:37:40
我们找不到他们的电话,也没有FACEBOOK,就给他们网站上的几个email地址留了言,时间太紧了,能做到的就是希望他们答覆,能给几天拖延的时间,真心希望这个狗狗好运。 下面是刚刚发过的email内容。LG现在正在给他们facebook下上的另一个人留言。。 Hello Second Chance Rescue, we heard about this dog (see attached photo) from someone who said that it is one of the dogs you are trying to adopt out and that it is at risk for being euthanized very soon. Do we have correct info? Not sure of the name of the dog, but we did find the attached photo which matches (exactly) the one we saw when we first heard about this dog. (Is it possibly Baxter, who you have listed under adoptables?) We don't live in the NYC area (but we do visit), and we would like to do what we can to help save this dog. This is the first time we have heard about your organization and we are very encouraged to see the work that you are doing to help all of these dogs. Please get back to us with more information if you can. Sincerely,
-一枝丁香地- 留言于:2013-08-14 12:37:37
我们找不到他们的电话,也没有FACEBOOK,就给他们网站上的几个email地址留了言,时间太紧了,能做到的就是希望他们答覆,能给几天拖延的时间,真心希望这个狗狗好运。 下面是刚刚发过的email内容。LG现在正在给他们facebook下上的另一个人留言。。 Hello Second Chance Rescue, we heard about this dog (see attached photo) from someone who said that it is one of the dogs you are trying to adopt out and that it is at risk for being euthanized very soon. Do we have correct info? Not sure of the name of the dog, but we did find the attached photo which matches (exactly) the one we saw when we first heard about this dog. (Is it possibly Baxter, who you have listed under adoptables?) We don't live in the NYC area (but we do visit), and we would like to do what we can to help save this dog. This is the first time we have heard about your organization and we are very encouraged to see the work that you are doing to help all of these dogs. Please get back to us with more information if you can. Sincerely,
-一枝丁香地- 留言于:2013-08-14 12:37:14
我们找不到他们的电话,也没有FACEBOOK,就给他们网站上的几个email地址留了言,时间太紧了,能做到的就是希望他们答覆,能给几天拖延的时间,真心希望这个狗狗好运。 下面是刚刚发过的email内容。LG现在正在给他们facebook下上的另一个人留言。。 Hello Second Chance Rescue, we heard about this dog (see attached photo) from someone who said that it is one of the dogs you are trying to adopt out and that it is at risk for being euthanized very soon. Do we have correct info? Not sure of the name of the dog, but we did find the attached photo which matches (exactly) the one we saw when we first heard about this dog. (Is it possibly Baxter, who you have listed under adoptables?) We don't live in the NYC area (but we do visit), and we would like to do what we can to help save this dog. This is the first time we have heard about your organization and we are very encouraged to see the work that you are doing to help all of these dogs. Please get back to us with more information if you can. Sincerely,
-miduoma- 留言于:2008-02-19 16:45:32
谢谢你的建议。一看就知道是以有品位的人。我留短发。我想配一双银色的高跟凉鞋,配一对银色的耳环,不戴丝巾。你认为可以吗?我是圆脸,什么形状的耳环适合我穿这件黑色的裙子? 谢谢!
-lucy-lucy- 留言于:2008-02-07 11:16:51
鼠年来临之际送上一串串祝福: 祝快快乐乐,开开心心;健健康康,轻轻松松;团团圆圆,恩恩爱爱;和和美美,红红火火!
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