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笔名: -infos
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-JanetSong- -xxksj-
JanetSong xxksj
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待到花开时 精灵姐姐
-infos的留言薄 (最近5条留言)
-sam2008- 留言于:2008-02-04 12:47:59
-kiwi_cat- 留言于:2007-05-19 06:37:42
hi 我有个朋友想去法国读书 能给个意见么 我的信箱 fanhao@hotmail.com
-princesskl- 留言于:2007-05-10 09:35:56
你好啊 可以认识你吗? 是法国的朋友么? 如果可以,请联系我 MSN:pinkwsm@hotmail.com thanks
-Waterloo_angel- 留言于:2006-10-19 10:31:50
Hello. just saw some of the your messages in 人在法国 thought I'd contact you to say hello. I am living and working in UK/London, but from the next couple of months my job will require me to travel to Pairs time to time. I don't know anyone in Pairs so want to make some friends so I don't feel so bad about going there. if you don't mind have one more friend send me an email then we can talk more. I won't take too much of your time, probably when I am there i will ask you to meet up for a coffee (if you have time of course), or I may ask for your advice for things like where to go for what, or when I get terribly lost which hopefully won't happen. but mostly it is just nice to know that i have a friend in that city. only if you don't mind. my email is liyani_uk@yahoo.co.uk. Looking forward to hearing from you. :-)
-marseille- 留言于:2006-03-02 08:59:44
tu as le temps samedi aprem midi? je suis a l'eglise 14h-17h. 26 rue chapon, 75003 paris, M°arts et metiers. je t'appelerai ce soir ou demain. xiaoyu
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