
Fearless of Ever Finding Open Land, Or Desert Where the Slow Wheels Pour the Sand

最后登录:2021-10-15 03:17:42

笔名: Adagios
个人描述: Fearless of Ever Finding Open Land, Or Desert Where the Slow Wheels Pour the Sand
发送悄悄话 给我留言

My journey has been long. I do not regret it. At times, it has been dark, a perilous course. At other times, joyous, dappled with sunlight. It has been hard more often than easy.

The road was fraught with dangers for me from the beginning, the forest thick, the mountains high, the darkness terrifying, through it all, even in the mists, a small pinpoint of light, a tiny star guiding me.

I have been both wise and foolish. I have been loved and betrayed, and abandoned. And much to my despair, I have unwittingly wounded others, and humbly beg their forgiveness. I have forgiven those who have hurt me , as I pray they will forgive me for allowing them to hurt me. I have loved much, and given of my whole heart and soul. And even when badly wounded, have continued on the path, with faith, and hope, and even blind belief, toward love and freedom. The journey continues, easier than it has been.

For those of you still lost in the darkness, may your traveling companions treat you well. May you find safe havens when you need them, and clearings in the forest. May you find cool waters where you can safely drink, quench your thirst, and bathe your wounds. And may you one day find healing.

When we meet, our hands will join, and we will know each other. The light is there, waiting for us. We must each, in our own way, journey on until we find it. To reach it, we w ill need determination, strength and courage, gratitude and patience. And after all that, wisdom, And at journey's end, we will find ourselves, we will find peace, and the love that, until now, we have only dreamed of.

May God bless us and our journey.

Adagios的留言薄 (最近5条留言)
-藤蝉- 留言于:2011-12-21 07:29:49
飘落的雪花捎去我的问候, 闪亮的华灯照耀我的祝福, 塞满真情的圣诞短信, 伴随着圣诞钟声如约而至. 祝大企鹅圣诞快乐,新年大吉!
-藤蝉- 留言于:2011-02-03 12:15:12
大年初一,蝉儿给你拜大年啦: 新春到,把鼓敲 炮竹响,福运到 祝君新年新开始,财到福运到 咚咚咚咚锵! 兔年快乐!
-藤蝉- 留言于:2010-11-15 19:09:49
你好,好久不见,回南极去了?呵呵 祝新的一周愉快!
-laomi06- 留言于:2010-11-15 15:48:39
好久没见,问好! 你是北京人吗? 我的博客以后会更新得勤快点:)现在太懒了。 下午的太阳很好,无风,无云,湛蓝的天,有一种东西悄悄在体内复活,仿佛又回到少年.......
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