
I would like to be quiet to finish my story

(2008-07-16 10:28:39) 下一个

This is what I reply to people dicuss my story. I don't want to be the topic.


我写下来, 是想对自己这八年的感情有个交代。


婚外情是很辛苦和不得已的选择。不到万不得已千万不要涉足。 尤其你真的爱他又不想伤害别人。

我不想给婚外情正名, 我只想讲一个真情故事和记录自己的感情经历。

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栀子花坡 回复 悄悄话 I would like to think life is journey, just like taking a train.

There are always passenger sit besides you during the whole train journey. Someone comes and sit besides for couple of hours. Some sits besides you for one or two days. But only you companies youself till the end of the journey.

Therefore you should love youself first. All other people are just passenger in your life journey.
栀子花坡 回复 悄悄话 这也是你人生的一段经历。This is your history. You can only responsible for your present and your future. You have no control of your history. No time machine in this world.

It is emotional after you finished one life period. Think about when we graduate from college, we aloso felt very emotional. But life continues. He is your history. And you have already graduate from your lover's college.
noIQ 回复 悄悄话 相信我,即使你们修成正果,再过几年,也会如此。不管多么美好的感情,都会随风而逝,剩下的是亲情
Anney08 回复 悄悄话 回复frustratedalot的评论:
thank you!
frustratedalot 回复 悄悄话 我也觉得他和你要的很不同。尤其是他说淡漠了是因为身体接触少了的原因,我一下子觉得很冷。



