We named @Tesla after Nikola Tesla, one of the greatest engineer
蓝调 2024-12-28 14:15:17
We named @Tesla after Nikola Tesla, one of the greatest engineers ever.He was a penniless immigrant whose inventions led to American dominance in electricity generation and usage. We named @Tes...
[ 阅读全文 ]Elon Musk:The reason I’m in America along with so many critical
蓝调 2024-12-28 14:18:55
The reason I’m in America along with so many critical people who built SpaceX, Tesla and hundreds of other companies that made America strong is because of H1B.Take a big step back and FUCK YOURSELF in the fa...
[ 阅读全文 ]旺One旺 2024-12-29 14:09:18
常言道:每逢佳节胖三斤。此言不虚。过节了总要做些好吃的,问题是很多好吃的食物是高糖或者高脂或者兼而有之。最要命的就是兼而有之,如果不是,请落花大夫斧正。 不过,我想到一个"聪明"的方法:对冲。有个段子说,现在的...
[ 阅读全文 ]It is increasingly likely that AI will superset the intelligence
蓝调 2024-12-29 21:27:16
It is increasingly likely that AI will superset the intelligence of any single human by the end of 2025 and maybe all humans by 2027/2028.Probability that AI exceeds the intelligence of all humans combined by...
[ 阅读全文 ]ScottGu 2024-12-28 00:43:35
欧盟用计算机神经网络模拟鼠脑、猫脑、人脑的旗舰项目早已失败,也无他人能成功模拟。生物学上有更多证据显示:计算机神经网络不是生物神经网络的科学模型,不是科学,更不是物理学。 刚得了诺贝尔“物理学”奖的AI教父Geof...
[ 阅读全文 ]Elon Musk: Anyone – of any race, creed or nationality...
蓝调 2024-12-28 14:11:58
Anyone – of any race, creed or nationality – who came to America and worked like hell to contribute to this country will forever have my respect.America is the land of freedom and opportunity. Fight with ever...
[ 阅读全文 ]OpenAI| Why OpenAI’s Structure Must Evolve To Advance Our Missio
蓝调 2024-12-28 14:16:48
Why OpenAI’s Structure Must Evolve To Advance Our Missionhttps://openai.com/index/why-our-structure-must-evolve-to-advance-our-mission/
[ 阅读全文 ]蓝调 2024-12-28 14:21:18
Real-world AI https://t.co/O34pbS5CsS— Tesla (@Tesla) December 26, 2024
[ 阅读全文 ]ScottGu 2024-12-29 15:47:45
丘成桐和Gerard't Hooft两位教授谈论欧几里得几何体系和逻辑,我不得不提醒有本质错误。 希帕提娅那种二、三流的学者无法逆转熵趋势,也救不了罗马。Elon Musk如果连鼠脑、猫脑都模拟不了,也不知道为什么不能模拟,就不可能真正理...
[ 阅读全文 ]蓝调 2024-12-29 21:19:55
Easily fixed by raising the minimum salary significantly and adding a yearly cost for maintaining the H1B, making it materially more expensive to hire from overseas than domestically.I’ve been very clear that...
[ 阅读全文 ]America rose to greatness over the past 150 years。。。
蓝调 2024-12-29 21:23:01
America rose to greatness over the past 150 years, because it was a meritocracy more than anywhere else on Earth.I will fight to my last drop of blood to ensure that it remains that land of freedom and opportunity....
[ 阅读全文 ]xAI: warp speed cooling for our compute
蓝调 2024-12-29 21:28:22
warp speed cooling for our compute pic.twitter.com/2m74zobdgV— xAI (@xai) December 29, 2024
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