I'm a sincere person with integrity, optimistic, motivated, always ready to help, love to enjoy life. I tend to find beauty from seemingly simple and ordinary life. I have a secured job and respectable career (tenured professor), with excellent benefits. I'm content with my working environment: academic freedom, never boring, challenging but flexible. I enjoy involving in community and find my value from the services I provide. I was trained in science/engineering-related fields, with deep love for arts/humanities - literature, fine arts, history, music... I like travel and photography. I'm a family-oriented person, love kids very much. Am looking for a nice lady - received good education while maintaining some traditional values especially family value - with whom to start a family and enjoy life. 正直、真诚、乐于助人,乐观、进取、热爱生活;善于从平凡中寻找和发现美。有稳定的、受尊敬的职业(终身教授)和很好的福利,很满足于工作的环境—自由、常新、富有挑战同时具有弹性,并从为社区及专业组织的服务当中感受自己的更多价值。理工背景但爱好文史和音乐艺术;爱家、爱小孩;希望有一位贤慧伴侣一起享受生活。 我在寻找一个想发展长期感情组成家庭的人。我喜欢我的对象是个有层次有文化修养的、略略保守(具家庭价值观 Family Value、爱家、爱小孩)但又不失现代精神的人。我对孩子很有感情,渴望有自己的孩子。我寻找的对象是34-40岁的女士。