
生活趋于平淡,寻个朋友吧。I'd like to share ideas and views if If you are interested in global financial and economic matters and geopolitics.

最后登录:2019-02-23 17:00:28

笔名: Hercules007
个人描述: 生活趋于平淡,寻个朋友吧。I'd like to share ideas and views if If you are interested in global financial and economic matters and geopolitics.
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Hercules007的留言薄 (最近5条留言)
-iamhereforfun2- 留言于:2013-06-24 17:11:19
hercules007, below is the our conversation on 3-22-2012, See how you responded to my challenging questions. You were 100% sure GOLD price would continue to jump to the moon... see full content from http://www.wenxuecity.com/bbs/archive/2012/tzlc/393748.html 来源: hercules007 于 2012-03-22 15:21:21 [档案] [博客] [给我悄悄话] iamhereforfun2: "Moving forward, there is no guarantee it will keep going up, and it may even go down." hercules007 :Trust me! iamhereforfun2: Do you think it is a good idea to buy it NOW ? hercules007 :Yes! iamhereforfun2: "What makes you so confident it will keep going up ?" hercules007 :There is NO solution to the debt problem that doesn't have consequences, and the consequences all lead to either currency devaluation or total monetary system collapse. imhereforfun2: "Talking about its future it is 50/50 chance" hercules007: A theoretical truism, but a lazy excuse for a market participant.
-mulan888- 留言于:2011-11-24 16:52:35
Hello Hercules: 刚刚在文学城注册,为了能向你请教。 05年移民到加拿大,到现在基本上一切安定下来,有了点闲钱,也想学人投资。不知从何入手。 这两个星期,在大千股坛上浏览,被你的博文吸引。觉得你对金的走势分析很有道理。我就想也买点黄金类的股票,做中长线。 你对OGC很看好,现在是买进OGC的好时机吗?还是再等一等?另外可否推荐几只股票?你提到的其它股票,是澳洲市场的,我还不会操作,所以只能先看看在美国或在加拿大上市的,买一些练练手。 感恩节快乐。 Mulan
-xyjh- 留言于:2011-09-07 18:11:42
Hello Hercules, Are you in the mining industry? I read a post of yours. It seems like you mainly invest in resource companies in Australia. Are you in Australia as well? I am a geologist in the mineral exploration industry in Canada and am learning to invest. I thought maybe you work in this industry as well, so I decided to drop this email. Hope to hear back from you soon, Xyjh
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