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笔名: d.j
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d.j的留言薄 (最近5条留言)
-chip1- 留言于:2008-06-05 06:37:16
Hi, D.J. Did you try the Mayo Clinic. I heard someone did in vitro fertilization succeeded in Mayo Clinic but failed everywhere else. Chip
-A.W- 留言于:2008-02-28 18:58:07
Hi D.J, Not sure you can read my message or not....your writing makes me think alot. I am kind of in the same situation as you and really understand what you feel. I came to North America when I was in my 20s then forced on my school, my work....after everythings settle down, getting ready for expending family emotionaly and financially, then it is kind of late already. Sometimes, I think if I knew, I would delay my school instead have kid first. Anyway, good luck on everything. Angela
-绿一- 留言于:2008-02-25 23:07:05
今年情况如何?按说你的年纪还不算太大。 我见过一北京人,40多岁才结婚,2年也没怀上,花了很多钱和精力。最后是回京吃中药,20天,老中医肯定的说,回去一定怀上。果然应验。生了个儿子。 除了中药,针灸也助妊。
-superspy- 留言于:2006-11-17 19:01:48
thank u for ur advise. my fiance thinks have a sit down diner in a restaurant would save us some money compare to the event halls and stuff. we havent' found the church yet. he wants a church with pipe organ. PS his family are big big drinkers. god knows how much we will spend on wine and other liq.it's too bad i am not finding the joys of the wedding planning at all.
-yiyiya11- 留言于:2006-07-28 07:57:22
Hi, I have exactly the same problem as yours. My bf is a scientist, and he obviously cares very little about conventional standard of success. I don't even know whether I should marry him. It really upsets me when we argue about whether poor people can be generous. He insists that one still can be generous even if he is poor. On one hand, he loves me so dearly and so purely, and he shows me a wonderful world of love and intelligence; on the other hand, he is too detached from daily life and makes me feel insecure. I am so torn! You will understand my pain......
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