
随遇而安 顺其自然

4.26 康州华人援奥和平集会(转贴)

(2008-04-25 11:17:14) 下一个


***** 最新消息关于当天活动详细安排 New Detailed Plan: *****
1:30 PM - 2:30 PM: New Haven GREEN (lower part: between Church, Elm, Temple, and Chapel Streets)  gathering
集合  ( 宣传材料 , 分发旗帜,征集签名 , 等 )

2:30 PM - 5:00 PM: New Haven GREEN (lower part: between Church, Elm, Temple, and Chapel Streets), start our main activities
和平支持奥运宣传:歌舞表演,百人合唱(现场发放歌词),接收募捐 ,  领取 宣传 T- 恤(捐款10美金以上,赠送宣传 T 恤一件)


1. 集会主题:和平支持北京奥运,反对暴力破坏奥运,反对政治干预奥运,反对歪 曲报道丑化北京奥运
2. 集会目的:表达中国人迎接奥运喜悦的心情以及对和平的热爱
3. 基本方式:和平宣传,歌舞表演,自带饮水和食品。
4. 牢记于心:切忌过激言语,行为,标语,横幅,以防被别有用心之人利用。切忌 乱丢旗帜,标语,和任何物品。爱护国旗! 

4.26 康州华人援奥反暴力反政治干预和平集会倡议书 —" 用和平的声音支持奥运 "

奥运是当今世界把不同国家,不同种族,不同肤色,不同语言,不同信仰,和不同史背景的人们连在一起的纽带。但是最近,作为人类和平象征的奥运圣火屡次遭到少数极端分子的破坏。这种 " 暴力 " 的破坏行为已经引起了广泛的愤慨。此外,一些西方政治团体用种种 " 政治 " 说辞来抵制北京奥运会;甚至,更有一些西方媒体,用拙劣和粗暴的手段剪辑真相扭曲事实。 " 暴力 " 和 " 政治 " 不仅污染了奥运精神的主旨;对北京奥运会的恶意抵制和对中国形象的歪曲丑化更深深地伤害了许多海内外华人的情感。

在耶鲁,一些华人学生学者自发地成立的 " 康州支持奥运和平委员会 " ,并且推选唐华平作为临时委员会主席,窦炜为临时委员会总干事。其主旨是用和平的声音支持北京奥运,反对用 " 暴力 " 和 " 政治 " 破坏干扰奥运,反对用歪曲的报道恶意抵制北京奥运会。

" 康州支持奥运和平委员会 " 将发起 "4.26" 援奥和平集会,以表达我们反对暴力破坏奥运, 反对政治干预奥运的和平诉求。我们号召支持北京奥运的各界人士人 积极参与,让世界听见我们的声音。

Petition to the New Haven Board of Aldermen (attached): 希望每一位参加集会者能够认真阅读,兑现我们在申请中的承诺。

Attached: Petition to the City of New Haven Board of Aldermen

Dear Aldermen,

We are a group of Chinese students and scholars at Yale University. We are writing to apply for permission to host a public gathering of approximately 500 people in an appropriate public space on the afternoon of April 26th, 2008.

It has recently been brought to our attention that the Board of Aldermen hasapproved street closure for a mock torch relay on April 26th, 2008 to protest against China’s alleged human-rights violations. While we sincerelyappreciate and share your concern with China's human rights conditions, we feel the responsibility to make our own voice heard as well—a voice which we believe represents the vast majority of the Chinese community in New Haven. Our peaceful gathering will aim to present a balanced picture of Chinese human rights conditions and to promote the Olympic spirit of unity, inclusiveness, and equality. This event is jointly organized by the studentsand scholars of Yale University and leaders of the local Chinese community.

We, overseas Chinese, perhaps care more than anyone else about human rights in China. Every human rights violation in China potentially affects our families and friends residing in China. Our deepest gratitude goes to the well-meaning Americans who not only welcome our stay and accept us into the community, but also endeavor to improve human rights in China. Nevertheless,we are exceedingly regretful that this good intention is being exploited by
special interest groups to further their own agenda.

The Falun Gong group and its affiliates, the major organizers of this mock torch relay, are not truthful promoters of human rights. The Falun Gong group's track records are replete with exaggerations and fantasies. The group is marked by their outright hostilities toward China, and some of their claims have been discredited by the United States government. We are concerned that this mock torch relay may turn out to be another public display of vicious and untruthful attacks on China. In that case, it would be a mistake to honor their causes as promoting “human right,” and indeed,it would be a mockery to the sacrifice that Chinese people have made.

We recognize and appreciate legitimate concerns for human right violations in China. We do not unconditionally endorse actions of the Chinese government. But we also want nothing short of a truthful presentation of thehuman rights conditions in China. A biased picture provided by special interest groups would not help promote human rights in China. On the contrary, it would endanger further improvements by inviting cynicism and distrust.

Presenting the public with a balanced image of modern China is also of vitalinterest to the United States. A one-sided version that demonizes China would not only cloud the judgment of the citizens in both countries, but also create misunderstandings and hostilities between the two governments. At this delicate moment, an open-minded citizen would certainly appreciate a different opinion of China. The world expects the United States and China to address human rights issues in an open and collaborative manner, not in antagonism and isolation.

We also believe that the Olympic torch, a symbol of understanding and cooperation that transcends national, cultural, and racial boundaries, should not be mocked. The history of New Haven, shaped by immigration and integration, is a history of bringing people together regardless of their cultural heritage or race. We hope that our public gathering will confirm and further the ideals of this city, ideals that echo with the Olympic spirit of promoting peace and cooperation without discrimination.

In addition, we would like to briefly note the violence that occurred duringthe recent anti-China protests in San Francisco, Paris, and London. Dozens of protesters were arrested for their aggressive and violent behavior, many
of whom are associated with the organizers of this mock torch relay. The principal organizer of New Haven's protest, the local Falun Gong Club, has had a troubled relationship with the Chinese community. Members of our group
have been threatened or aggressively harassed by the Falun Gong Club, and many of them have expressed concerns that the anti-China sentiments stirred by this mock torch relay may affect their future safety..

We will promptly provide any further information of our proposed gathering upon request. We look forward to your understanding and support, and thank you for your consideration.

Sincerely yours,

Committee of Supporting Beijing Olympics at Yale

志愿者报名: yale.olymrally@gmail.com

会号召大家慷慨集资。募捐方式如下 ( 时间仓促,捐款暂时由 ACSSY 代收 ),

(1) 网上募捐 Paypal 帐号 : service@acssy.org

(2) 当天接受现金( Cash )和支票 ( Check )。 支票台头为: ACSSY; 请注明: Rally for Beijing Olympics.

1. 本集会纯属自发组织,参加者自愿参加集会。
2. 本集会主题明确,已得到校方和安全部门批准,绝对禁止出现焚烧,辱骂,及任何违背和平声援奥运的原则。一旦发生,纠察人员将立刻与警察联系,自行承担一切法律后果。
3. 若发现不法分子挑衅或可疑人员,应当立即报告纠察人员或警方; 严禁私自处 理!
4. 严禁携带任何轻重武器,危险品,及投掷物;一旦发现,应当立即报告纠察人员 或警察。
5. 旗帜,标语等物品严禁掉落在集会地点;一旦发现有集会物品掉落,应当立即捡 起带走。
6. 委员会配有专门发言人代表集会回答媒体问题,任何其他个人不得以集体名义向 媒体表达任何立场和观点。
7. 集会结束,切勿一哄而散! 应当听从指挥,有条不紊的离场。
8. 建议一律着白色上衣。
9. 请自带饮用水。


组委会将在现场发放自制和购买的宣传用品。 鼓励集会人员自带旗帜,横幅,标语牌等, 但是务必于此次集会主题吻合;对于过于极端或偏离主题的标语,组织方有权要求警方将其排除出集会地。

希望各华人团体转发该倡议书 / 通知,也希望更多的和平爱好者能加入或支持此次活动。


( 来源 :·WWW 未名空间站 海外 : mitbbs.com 版面:康涅迪克 )


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