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Another street scenes in Beijing.

(2009-06-28 08:30:06) 下一个

These are mostly from digging in the hard disk rather than killing time in Beijing. I probably won't join the Sao(3)jie(1)bang(1) or I'm not qualified yet.
1. Find the 27th letter in your keyboard?

2. Is one a chicken or a monkey?

3. Has too much money or just like a crab?

4. Love on the escalator and I was being watched.

5. Visit a dentist in the restaurant?

6. Typing with Caps Lock? You will not find this web site unless ... (solving the puzzle).

7. Hands off my pal!

8. Bird photographers' enemy?

9. Some dish. Don't ask the name (in a shopping mall).

10. Some other disk. Don't ask me the name, I only know it is not a meat dish (in Gong(1)de(2)lin(2)).

11. Happen ending.

Have a nice weekend. Thank you very much for watching and commenting. Any suggestion and criticism?


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