
Looking for foreign trade of the six major channels

(2010-02-04 07:48:52) 下一个
To find customers and building customer relationships abroad, generally through the following channels:
    (l) to introduce myself. Through access to foreign publishing business directories, magazines and newspapers ads, correspondence or send information to the way self-introduction to establish relationships;
    (2) Please introduce foreign bank customers;
    (3) Please domestic and foreign trade promotion agencies or Friendship Association, introduced the relationship, such as introduction of China's handling of the CCPIT is also the client's business;
    (4) asked me to embassies or the Commercial Section introduced foreign embassies cooperation partners. Generally speaking, I embassies of the major local manufacturers business scope, capabilities, and credit is more familiar with;
    (5) at home and abroad through participation in exhibitions, trade fairs and build relationships. The advantages of such activities directly to customers in energy and to meet a wide range of contact;
    (6) the use of a professional consulting company introduced the domestic and foreign customers. There are many domestic and international professional consulting companies to accept the commission agent introduction customers, their business relationship, many have a certain influence, professional experience and capabilities of various types of clients, please introduce them to clients, the general effect is good.

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